Survivor Week – The Finish Line

 In blog, ILEAD 2018

Good Morning!

The Pioneers had an amazing Survivor week. I am sure you will hear all about it from them.
The highlight was the finishing day of Survivor. The Pioneers hiked up Har Meron, which is the second highest mountain in Israel. That in itself is challenging. But this is ILEAD. The Pioneers had the privilege to climb Mt Hermon with Shmuel- a veteran from Yom Kippur war 1973. Unfortunately Shmueli was paralyzed from the neck down in the war but is a fighter and has an amazing perspective on life. The Pioneers pushed him up the mountain in his specially designed wheelchair. The rotation system consisted of 7 people at each time with a push/pull approach that made climbing the mountain that much more fulfilling.

Check out Amazing Pics & Vids from the last few days and their climb here: Survivor Week Pics 2
Unified & Strong, Shabbat Shalom,

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