Communicate. Budgeting. Waking up the Day!

 In blog, ILEAD 2016

The Pioneers are finishing up their first week of ILEAD and are having an awesome experience. They are learning how to express themselves through public speaking skills as well as understanding internal communication and the importance of speech, body language and clarity. The Pioneers are understanding the concept of budgeting, as you will see below and what it means to think about others as you purchase food for a meal. Concepts through the Tanach as well as the development of our nation are being discussed all in the same locations where our ancestors addressed the issues of the time.
Finally this morning at 5am, they woke up the day and climbed Har Tavor to wake up the day. Later, they will be looking at the same mountain they climbed and be praying Kabalat Shabbat understanding they can rise from the bottom to the top of anythign with hard work.

See below blog bost by Marcelle Setton & Michael Goldstein over the last couple of days.
“We woke up this morning excited to finally leave the camp grounds after sleeping on the dirt and rocks for three straight nights. We started the day by cleaning up the last bit of garbage on the camp grounds and after that, Shlomo made us another delicious breakfast. After the satisfying meal, we broke up into groups and performed communication exercises. We found out that speaking is extremely important to perform efficiently as a group. These exercises tied in to the theme of the power of speech. After these exercises, we took down the tents and packed up our carry ons and loaded everything on the bus. This all went extremely fast because of our excessive use of teamwork. We hopped on the bus and  went to Zichron Yaakov.

There, we were given a budget of 250 shekel to spend on lunch at a supermarket for the 53 pioneers. We successfully completed this challenge by buying something that appeals to everyone; including the gluten free and vegan pioneers. We bought pita bread and many spreads as well as drinks and there was even leftovers. After the successful lunch, we were given free time to walk around  Zichron Yaakov boardwalk and spend our money. Next, we headed to Beit Shiarim, where Rabbi Yehuda Hanasi was buried. Shiloh gave us a wonderful and interesting class on the oral and written Torah. Next, we prayed Mincha and then headed to Hoshaya for the night. We had time to shower and relax before the delicious dinner. Even though we were running on our 48 hour carry on the past 4 days, we managed to cope with the difficulties. We are excited to see what’s in store for the next 4 weeks of ILEAD!”

Click here to enjoy the pic & vids from July 7th and 8th

Unified & Strong. Shabbat Shalom,

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