The Pioneers are spending the last Shabbat in Jerusalem – Check out the pics from this week from Kenesset to Rapelling to Climbing Masada, praying in Knis Ades, and spending some time with [...]
Our first experience with Chanan, one of our Israeli counselors, was not ‘ideal’. We can all remember getting off the plane and seeing him as he started yelling at us to stand in “chets” for [...]
Rise and shine pioneers! We started off to a very early morning. Everyone was up and ready to go by 3:45, and we were off to climb Masada. A nice power nap on the bus really got everyone going. [...]
The highlight of my day was definitely the Knesset. It was not something usual or something that can be done on a bar mitzvah trip. It was definitely new for all of us. We dressed up in our so [...]
For your viewing pleasure some pictures and videos of the Pioneers last 2 days of action: Sunday – They woke up at 5:30am for exercise – They did team building exercises which [...]
A couple of screams from the חניך תורן woke up us pioneers at 4 A.M. With tired eyes and constant yawns, we all sluggishly rolled out Of bed and got on the bus. While sleeping, the bud drove [...]
Today we woke up at 6:30 and started our day off wonderfully. The boys went to shul for keriat Torah and the girls went jogging to the ocean and sat on rocks to watch the beautiful view with [...]